
Austria PEOs & Employers of Record (EOR)


Dhi ADT's Austria PEO and EOR solutions can assist you in onboarding candidates and managing payroll and HR issues, all without the hassle of setting up a subsidiary in Austria. Once you've hired the talent you need, you can easily customize employment contracts and employee benefits, and make compliant payments—all from a single platform with just a few clicks.

Ensure compliance with local laws and handle payroll taxes while focusing on your austria business operations. Hire and expand into Austria using the best SaaS-based PEO service in Austria

Contact us today to grow your business in Austria!


Employment Laws in Austria

Capital: Vienna

Language: German

Currency: Euro (EUR)

Payroll Cycle: Monthly

Employment Contracts: It is not mandatory in Austria to have written agreements for employment, oral contracts are acceptable.     

Minimum Wages: There is no statutory minimum wage in Austria; however employees should not be paid less than EUR 1500. 

Employer Taxes:  Employer Taxes are approximately 21.23% - 25.65% of Gross salary. 

Working hours: 

- Employees in Austria typically work eight hours daily and 40 hours per week.

- In Austria, there should always be a special reason for overtime, as continuous overtime is not permitted in Austria. 


Annual Leave: Employees are entitled to enjoy a minimum of five weeks of paid annual leave annually.

Probation Period: The probationary period in Austria ranges between one to three months.

Notice Period: The notice period for both probationary and permanent employees in Austria ranges from 6 weeks to  5 months. 

Termination: Termination in Austria can be done on a mutual consent basis, which can be communicated in verbal or written format, of which the latter is preferred. There can also be dismissal of the employee by the employer on the grounds of a justified reason. When an employee decides to resign, the employment is terminated with immediate effect. In case of the expiration of a fixed contract, no action is required. 

Severance PayAll employees in Austria are entitled to a severance payment. This payment comes from a severance payment fund to which employers contribute 1.53% of employee’s gross salary every month starting from the second month of the employee's service.

National Holidays: 15 National Holidays 

1. New Year's Day  
2. Epiphany Monday 
3. Easter Monday  
4. Staatsfeiertag 
5. Ascension Day 
6. Whit Monday 
7. Corpus Christi  
8. Assumption 
9. National Holiday  
10. All Saints' Day  
11. Immaculate Conception  
12. Christmas Eve 
13. Christmas Day Tuesday
14. Boxing Day Sunday 
15. New Year's Eve


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