All-In-One HR Platform to Streamline Your Employee Onboarding


Dhi ADT is the modern all-in-one HR platform that meets your business needs. Onboard, pay, and manage your global team compliantly without the need to open a local entity.

Getting a new job is always exciting. Elevate this enthusiasm with an awesome employee onboarding experience. Welcome new hires with a digital onboarding process, channel candidate communications, and help them get started in their new role instantly. And the best part? This online employee onboarding process is 100% customizable!

Input (Onboarding)

  • HR policies/ Internal regulations
  • Offer letters and Employment contracts
  • Onboarding of new candidates
  • Overview of Employment Rights

Throughput (Ongoing)

  • Probation Period Management
  • HR Casework and Advice
  • Immigration and Global Mobility Support
  • Performance Management
  • Absence Management

Output (Change of Employer)

  • Transfer of employees to a new employer.
  • Outplacement.

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